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PHP Versions
- PHP 5.5 0items
- PHP 5.6 4item
- PHP 7.x 43item
- PHP 8.x 22item
Version Support
- Magento 2.3.x 11item
- Magento 2.4.x 12item
- WordPress 3.5 or higher 7item
- WordPress 4.9 or higher 5item
- WordPress 5.0 or higher 3item
- Craft CMS 3.x and higher 1 item
- Craft CMS 4.x and higher 1 item
- Craft Commerce 3.x and higher 1 item
- ExpressionEngine 3 3item
- ExpressionEngine 4 12item
- ExpressionEngine 5 14item
- ExpressionEngine 6 14item
- ExpressionEngine 7 13item
Server Requirements
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