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Smart Social Feed

for ExpressionEngine
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Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) is a fantastic extension launched by ZealousWeb Technologies. This specific add-on lets users get updates and feeds from distinct social media platforms. It again comes with easy-to-use methods, which offer convenience to the users. 

Also, this specific Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) add-on provides a user-friendly interface. You can use this extension to get feeds from different social media platforms, including Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. 

Special Price $89.00 /year Regular Price $99.00 /year
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Details and Compatibility

Item Code zossf
Type Expression Engine
PHP Versions PHP 7.x
Version Support ExpressionEngine 4, ExpressionEngine 5, ExpressionEngine 6, ExpressionEngine 7
EE Field Compatibility Multi Site Manager, Better Workflow
Server Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher
Possible Applications/Usage ExpressionEngine
Publish Date March 28, 2022
Last Updated December 05, 2023

What's Included

Plugin zip file
1 Year subscription

What's Not Included


Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) is a fantastic extension launched by ZealousWeb Technologies. This specific add-on lets users get updates and feeds from distinct social media platforms. It again comes with easy-to-use methods, which offer convenience to the users. 

Also, this specific Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) add-on provides a user-friendly interface. You can use this extension to get feeds from different social media platforms, including Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. 

  • Vimeo: Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) plugin is incredibly valuable in fetching videos or feeds for a particular channel ID or user ID. You can quickly receive all the associated videos by utilizing this feature. You can again choose which one to receive between the channel and user-uploaded videos. 
  • YouTube: This extension also offers updates and feeds related to the YouTube channel of the user. You only need to enter the channel ID of a particular username to get this service's benefits. 
  • Twitter: This particular add-on updates you with all the tweets for a given Twitter account. The user needs to insert the Twitter username to leverage this feature's advantages. 
  • Facebook: You can again receive Facebook updates of the relevant page in no time with the help of this Social Feed ExpressionEngine (EE) plugin. To get started with it, you need to enter your Facebook Page ID. You can also consider choosing the types of feeds you want to receive, like only photos, videos, etc. 
  • Instagram: Smart Social Feed add-on again helps the users so that they can stay updated with the Instagram posts too. To utilize this particular feature, all that you need is to insert your Instagram ID. At present, we are also offering the Instagram feed using the Instagram basic display API and Facebook Instagram graph API. But, in the current version, we are not providing the "Albums" feed. We only offer the first latest 25 feeds. 

Want to reap all these benefits? If yes, install this ZWT add-on to your site and see the difference. 


Smart Social Feed addon allows the user to get feeds and updates from different social media platforms. It has easy to use methods as this addon provides a user-friendly interface.

This addon can be used to get feeds from social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Vimeo.


EE Compatible Version: EE4, EE5, EE6.


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo


Smart Social Feed addon provides the facebook updates of the respective page in no time. Enter facebook page ID to get started. You can also select the types of feeds that you wish to receive, for instance, only videos, only photos, all of them etc.


Smart social feed addon updates you with all the tweets for a given Twitter account. The user has to insert the Twitter username to enjoy the benefits of such a feature.


Smart social feed plugin helps the user to stay updated with the Instagram posts as well. Insert the Instagram ID to use this feature. Currently, We provide the Instagram feed using the Facebook Instagram graph API and Instagram basic display API. We do not provide the “Albums” type of feed in the current version. We provide only the first latest 25 feed.


Smart social feed addon provides the feeds and updates related to the YouTube channel of the user. Enter the channel ID of a given username to get the benefits of this service


Smart social feed addon helps in fetching feeds or videos for a given user ID or channel ID. The associated videos can be received easily using this feature. You can select between user uploaded video or channel videos that you wish to receive.

  • Facebook: Smart Social Feed plugin provides Facebook updates of the respective page in no time. Enter Facebook Page ID to get started. You can also select the types of feeds that you wish to receive, for instance, only videos, only photos, all of them, etc. 
  • Twitter: Smart social feed plugin updates you with all the tweets for a given Twitter account. The user has to insert the Twitter username to enjoy the benefits of such a feature.
  • Instagram: Smart social feed plugin helps the user to stay updated with the Instagram posts as well. Insert the Instagram ID to use this feature. Currently, we provide the Instagram feed using the Facebook Instagram graph API and Instagram basic display API. We do not provide the “Albums” type of feed in the current version. We provide only the first latest 25 feeds. 
  • Supports New Instagram Basic Display API compatibility.
  • Supports New Facebook graph API compatibility.
  • How to link the Instagram account to Facebook
  • Youtube: Smart social feed plugin provides the feeds and updates related to the YouTube channel of the user. Enter the channel ID of a given username to get the benefits of this service.
  • Vimeo: Smart social feed plugin helps in fetching feeds or videos for a given user ID or channel ID. The associated videos can be received easily using this feature. You can select between user-uploaded videos or channel videos that you wish to receive.

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version 3.0.3

Last Update: November 04, 2022

  • Fixed MariaDB column length issue and API changes

version 3.0.2

Last Update: September 05, 2022

  • Moved from License logic to Subscription logic

version 3.0.1

Last Update: March 18, 2021

  • solved issue while updating Expressionengine from EE5.0.3 to 5.x
  • added one condition in config.php file to get or set APP_VER global variable

version 3.0.0

Last Update: July 01, 2022

  • Compatible with EE6.

version 2.0.5

Last Update: February 10, 2022

  • Added the “post_url” field in the template tag for Instagram Basic Display API setting.

version 2.0.4

Last Update: September 16, 2021

  • Added the Instagram Basic Display API compatibility.
  • Added the two parameters “limit” and “post_type” in the tag sepecially for the Instagram basic display API and Instagram facebook graph API setting.

version 2.0.1

Last Update: March 04, 2021

  • Fix bug of pulling the duplicate posts for Instagram.

version 2.0.0

Last Update: January 12, 2021

  • Upgradation work for the Facebook like remove the deprecated fields and disabled the user feed option and provide detail to convert the profile to the page.
  • Updated the license verification process and setup so please update the license in your addon.

version 1.6.1

Last Update: October 14, 2020

  • Removed the two invalid scops: manage_pages, publish_pages.

version 1.5.0

Last Update: April 01, 2020

  • Added New Instagram Facebook graph API compatibility.

version 1.1.2

Last Update: January 21, 2020

  • Added Facebook settings that will give option to user to fetch feeds of his own posts or any posts in his page.
  • Updated information links to module that locate user to documentation.

version 1.1.3

Last Update: November 12, 2019

  • Solved a bug where if feed not fetch any data via backend sync button, It will give you success message.
  • Solved a bug where after error on backend social feed settings page it submitted a new form instead of edit the same form.
  • Solved a bug where custom_validation library conflict with other ZealousWeb modules.
  • Module is now available in EE2 ( > EE2.8.0 )

version 1.1.4

Last Update: July 10, 2019

  • Added new variables for Twitter
     {post_full_image}, {post_url}, {post_type}, {post_twitter_video}

version 1.1.5

Last Update: February 27, 2019

  • New design layout to match all backend design with EE3 and EE4.
  • Resolve a bug where front-end tags was showing one empty row instead of moving to NO_RESULTS state if API key and Secret is valid but there is no data in users social account to display.
  • Resolve a bug where in back-end setting page it was giving PHP notice sometimes.
  • Change database Field Types to “text” for some of the fields from “varchar” and “mediumtext”.

version 1.1.6

Last Update: November 13, 2018

  • Solved a bug where Twitter description and URLs have non UTF-8 characters (Symbols) instead of actual data sometimes.

version 1.1.7

Last Update: April 09, 2018

  • Solved a bug where Instagram feed not saves post creation time in database. (And because of this use was not able to get post relative date.)
  • Added backend filter field for Instagram form to restrict API data by post type. (i.e., image, video, Carousel).
  • Add new fields for Instagram feed.
     {post_video}, {post_description}, {post_type}, {post_carousel} {!-- data --}{/post_carousel}

version 1.1.8

Last Update: January 01, 2018

  • Add scope list in generate token URL for Instagram so user authorize full content access.
  • Trim all setting information so if accidentally user pass key or secret with blank spaces, it won’t give error.
  • Module uses file_get_contents( ) function to grab third party feeds. It will only work if allow_url_fopen variable is set ON from php.ini. We have put error message if this variable is not enabled in server.
  • In Instagram feeds, You can only fetch data of Public account. We have add a notice message for that in form.

version 1.1.9

Last Update: November 08, 2017

  • Facebook and Instagram announced a slew of API shutdowns and changes designed to stop developers from being able to pull your data or your friends’ data without express permission, drag in public content or trick you into sharing. We have added permission modal withing the addon so one can now add client ID and client secret of Facebook and click a single button to get access token withing the addon. You can only access feed of user whose API you are using and only after approve permission.

version 1.2.0

Last Update: July 18, 2017

  • To match permission modal changes of Instagram, We have integrated same permission within the module functionality in our addon for Instagram feed. Sandbox invite user feed is no longer work with Instagram API. You have to generate app from client’s Instagram to show their feed.

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